Thursday, December 9, 2010

post 3

Picking a concept was not as easy as it sounded. In this communications class there were so many that you could apply to your life and there were a lot of useful concepts that this class has taught me. One concept I felt was helpful was the concept of cause and effect. I always thought that just because you have a strong effect to a cause then it would be a strong argument but that is not always the case. One thing this course shows you is to look at all the little aspects about a cause and effect argument and that there are so many different kinds. You have to really look into it and the most obvious answer might not always be the right one because it could have cracks in it that you would not have noticed if you never took this class. Anyone can apply communication to their daily lives and everyone should work on having better communication no matter who you are.

post 2

what was my most favorite and least favorite things about this class? Well everything has pros and cons and this class is no exception. The both share the same thing that I liked and disliked, it is just the different aspects about the certain thing. This class being online was by far my favorite part of it because it gave you that sense of freedom and independence that a normal class simply does not grant you. You are not obligated to have to go to class at a certain place at a certain time. You simply log onto your computer and you look at the blog on a daily basis. This is also my least favorite part because it relies so heavily on yourself. If you miss a post or anything like that then it is totally your fault and you have no one to blame.

post 1

What have you learned over the course? Well that’s a good question because when I first signed up for this class I assumed it was going to be somewhat of an easy no brainer class, but I was wrong. I found out that if you take the time and actually try to learn from the material that you can really take a lot out of this class. I think that the most important thing that I learned was overall communication. I feel that I can now communicate better, more comfortably, and communicate with more success after taking this class. Overall communication I feel is a vital tool to have in your arsenal. You can take this skill and apply it to anything in your life. When it comes to finding a job good communication is key and even once you have that job communication is something that can definitely get your further.