Saturday, October 2, 2010

repairing arguments

Repairing an argument can be a good skill to learn to do properly when it comes to communication.repairing an argument correctly will make the argument stronger. Repairing an argument focuses on the"glue" that will hold the argument together. Premises will be added to the weak argument in the repairing process. An example is...
Smartphones are expensive.
Messaging phones are inexpensive.
Smartphones are.better phones.
There is nothing here to backup the statement that smartphobes are better. One person might believe that smartphones are better and others may not agree. Just because one perwon says they are better doesn't mean that they are. Smartphones have better quality material because they are expensive therefore they are more durable. Messaging phones have a lower budget therefore cheaper parts are used and they can not be as durable. Smartphones have more advanced technology in them which allows a better and more advanced user experience. These premises are what gives the argument more strength. By doing this we repair the Argument and make it valid and strong. Repairing arguments can be a key part of communication so learn about it.

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