Saturday, October 2, 2010

suspend judgement.

i chose this topic because i feel that everyone can relate to it. Everyone in today's society makes judgements based upon first looks and first impressions. People need to not jump to conclusions and find actual evidence to back up their reasons. This is where suspend judgement comes into play. It is the time you take to find their "evidence" in order to support their decision. One example I can think of would be....
I received an F on one of my tests.
My classmates assumed that since I received an F that I must be unintelligent.
If they took a little fins out I had an A in the class and that's the only test I ever failed then they would have a better assumption about my intelligence.
People jump to conclusions far to often without having the right facts. If people just applied suspend judgement then maybe these incorrect assumptions would happen far less often compared to now.


  1. I agree with your comments about how, in today’s society, people are quick to judge, and jump to unnecessary or otherworldly conclusions. If everyone made judgments or conclusions in the opposite way - when they had all of the facts and their own opinions supported these facts it would make the world run a little smoother. If this were the case, I don’t feel like there would be as many arguments on little things that often cause huge problems. A lot of my friends get upset over the littlest things some people say and it may just be because my friend has their facts misconstrued or they aren’t using any facts to reason with their own conclusion.

  2. Your post does relate to everyone in society today. I agree that people judge others based on first impressions. Judging a book by its cover occurs often, it happens on a daily basis. Even if you got an F on a test once, others may perceive as if it happens constantly and automatically assume they know your study habits. They do no realize that there might have been an overwhelming amount of work to do and there was no time to study. They only see what they want to see so when they jump to conclusions with suspend judgments, it only complicate things even more.
