Friday, September 17, 2010


One concept that I found interesting in chapter 4 of the small group text would have to have been the concept of mentoring.  Mentoring is a valuable process to any young person which could easily help them get further in life. The definition of a mentor would have to be someone who is older; more experienced, and well respected who serves as a role model for less experienced people. The mentorship process usually goes through four distinct processes which include…
Initiation – When the mentor and protégé learn more about each other. The mentor provides guidance and the protégé is open to ideas and shows loyalty to his mentor.
Cultivation – During this stage is when the protégé and mentor begin to form an interpersonal bond.
Separation – Separation begins once the protégé has gotten to a certain point in his organization where he does not need all the support of his mentor. Once this occurs the mentor and protégé drift apart.
Redefinition – The final stage is where both the mentor and protégé find themselves as equal partners. The relationship is now equal 50/50 rather than the mentor being a more knowledgeable role.


  1. Hello there! (:

    I also found that concept interesting in chapter for of O' Hair and Wiemanns book. Mentoring is a valuable process in a young individuals life, which could help them further themselves in life. I, myself have gone through this process of mentoring where I was the protégé. It was with my Piano instructor. We went through all the processes somewhat. The initiation process was a bit of a struggle for me since I was learning complex piano techniques and learning notes at an early age. The cultivation part of the mentoring was my favorite; my mentor and I developed a bond... but as for the separation part that came earlier than expected for me. My instructor had to leave and left for a foreign country right away for family issues and was not able to come back. I suppose you can say that I’m still working my way up to her level, it’s a long process since she still had much to teach me. But I really believe that going though a mentoring process at a young age was helpful foe me in the long run. It taught me values and morals that can’t just be obtained through school and such.

  2. I like this post on mentoring because it makes you realize how many steps there are to being a good peer mentor. I can relate to this because I am a server trainer at P.F. Changs. The only thing that is not accurate is that a mentor should be older. I am 20 and the last server I trained was a 50 year old lady. However, I was definately more experienced than her in knowing how to serve at PF Changs. These steps are the same way we go about a week of training in which we get to know the trainee, eventually they start to get comfortable with the new job, and then we set them off to take their own tables.
