Saturday, September 11, 2010

The tests for an argument to be good

If you are unclear about whether or not you have a good argument you can always look back to three tests that will help you decide whether or not your argument is a good one. This test includes three separate parts including:

The premises are plausible

The premises are more plausible than the conclusion

The argument is valid or strong

These tests are all independent from one another which means any one of them can fail whilst the other two sustain plausibility. My example I could use would be my cousins work. She works at Hancock fabrics and a customer could ask if she had a specific item in stock that was not on display. My cousin could easily tell her that they are all out because its not on display, or she could check her stock room and see if there is any that isn’t out on display. She could already know that they don’t have anything left in stock when she tells the customer therefore not needing to check the stockroom. It all depends on her knowledge of the stores inventory.

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