Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cognitive, Psychological, and Social Forces.

In the group communication text chapter three discusses leadership and decision making in groups and teams. some interesting pieces of this chapter would have to be when it talks about cognitive psychological, and social forces. each one of these different types of forces refers to different ways that people interact within a group. Cognitive forces refers to mental processes. this would include  somoene thinks, believes, or feels. Psychological forces refer to a personsmotives, goals, attitudes, and the values of group members.physical forces can come into effect when two people within a group butt heads and have problems. this could lead to pressure being put on the decision maker. Social forces are communication influences such as language use and persuasion. A social force is spresent whenever there is 2 or more people interacting with eachother. All of these forceshave some way of affecting the decision making process. in most group atmospheres there is going to almost all of these forces amongst the group.


  1. Psychological forces are my favorite force because it allows me to receive input from another person so that, together, our thoughts will narrow down the final decision.

    You explained each force very well. If you were to include this in your blog, I think it would be interesting to read about your experience with being around or using these forces. For instance, if you were involved in a group decision-making process where the cognitive forces, psychological forces, and social forces were not being played out properly, how would this negatively affect the situation of coming up with a decision? I feel that by including this extra content, it will allow people to learn from your experiences on how to handle an unwanted occurrence within group decision-making as well as emphasize the importance of using those three forces to create a successful outcome in group decision-making.

  2. Hello! I also wrote about leaders and decision making because I thought it was interesting and important. You did a really good job of defining each one and explainging what they mean. Like you said, it is common to see each of these ways, cognitive, psychological, and social forces, present in a group setting. I think with just the right balance, that makes for a really great team. However with the wrong balance, one or more persons can ruin the group or not have it work correctly. I'm also learning a little bit about this in my sociology class, where there is a theory called functionalism, where basically each person in society has their own part to making the whole work at an equal state. Just food for thought((:
