Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vague Sentence

Vague sentences are a part of every day life. My definition of a vague sentence would be, when the speaker needs to give more detail to make the sentence understandable.

 I used to carpool with my cousin to school because it was cheaper. One day i completely forgot where we parked the car so i had to call her and ask. She responds to me by saying." We parked on the fourth floor." this is a vague sentence because we could have parked anywhere on the fourth floor. There are signs sayings 4A, 4B, 4C and etc. Simply telling me the fourth floor is not specific enough and left me in confusion. I had to continue asking where exactly so i would not have to walk around the entire floor to find the car. Once she told me which section and on which side of the fourth floor i was able to find the car and continued on with my day.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that we use vague sentences everyday and I can specifically relate to this entry because I do the same thing. I always refer to things vaguely or generally, by saying "it's on the 4th floor" or "it's in my room," which really provides no real answer to the person asking me the question ((:
