Friday, September 10, 2010

Strong vs Valid Arguments

Strong and Valid arguments are something that everyone can relate to in everyday life because we all hear them. by definition the book states," an argument is strong if there is some way, some possibility, for its presises to be true and its conclusion false at the same time." An example of a strong argument is...
The Stevens Creek Chevy dealer had terrible service.
The San Diego Chevy dealer is the same company. 
So all Chevy Dealers have terrible service.
This is a strong argument because the conclusion is not necessarily true and the premises can be proved to be true. A strong argument only needs the possibility for the conclusion to be false while the premises are true which this example proves to show.
 Valid arguments are defined as "An argument is valid if there is no possible way for its premises to be true and its conclusion to be false at the same time." An example would be
Myself and my brother went to gamble at an indian casino.
So everyone there gambling is at least age 18 and up.
This is a valid argument because there is no way the premise could be true and the conclusion false at the same time. if u are gambling at any indian casino you must be age 18 and up no matter what.

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