Friday, September 3, 2010

Objective And Subjective Claims

Subjective and Objective claims are easily a huge part of communication. At some point everyone uses one or the other and it happens regularly to everyone. I fine myself in arguments revolving around this kind of communication all the time. Recently my older cousin had visited and we went out to eat. My little cousin started to text me and just kept talking. i made the comment of him being annoying while my older cousin disagreed. This is a subjective claim because it varies person to person. one situation which involved an objective claim would have to have been when i lived down in southern California. It was a hot day probably around 103 degrees and i went to school wearing a jacket. One of my friends said that it was so hot outside and how could i be wearing a jacket. My response was that it was not that bad out. This is an objective view because no matter what i think, 103 degrees is still hot whether i think it is or not.

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