Saturday, September 4, 2010

Prescriptive and Descriptive claims

As I was reading through the text I came across Prescriptive and Descriptive claims which caught my attention. These two claims can easily get confused with one another and have one specific distinction between one another. A descriptive claim states how something is, while a Prescriptive claim contains something that we call value judgments. The value judgments basically represent a persons opinion. This opinion is what might make a prescriptive claim appear to be a descriptive claim. One example that shows this would be,"College is necessary in order to be successful." This is prescriptive because its not stating what the world is, but simply stating my opinion which is a value judgment. "College is hard work", this example would be a descriptive claim because its stating how college is. "College is hard", is a fact and not just merely my own opinion. These two different types of claims are a common form of communication and i think that everyone could relate to them.

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