Thursday, November 18, 2010

Casuse and Effect

This webpage is a great piece of reading that discusses cause and effect. It helps further understand all the key specifics that need to be present in order for the argument to be successful. Basically this webpage went step by step through the trial case sort of on what if scenarios. Each one of these different what if circumstances was to help further understand the specifics. I felt that some of the most important information presented to us here was determining the strength of a causal argument. According to this webpage there are three factors in which they rely on.
1. How acceptable or demonstrable the implied comparison is. In this case its basically asking is this circumstance basically the same as other similar incidents on this street.
2. How likely the case for causation seems to be. Basically, can a bicycle swerving into the traffic lane cause an accident?
3. How credible the “only significant difference” or “only significant commonality” claim is. In this case, is the illegally parked truck the only difference compared to previous incidents which were identical or extremely similar?

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