Friday, November 19, 2010

Mission Critical

this mission critical page was extremely useful. It helps you with complete understanding of various subjects that we are studying in this class. It gives lots of in depth helpfulness on each topic you need help on. For someone like me, who struggles on certain parts with understanding, I wish I found this earlier. One part that I felt was extremely helpful was the Fallacies and Non-Rational Persuasion section. This section has all of the appeals and even groups them into two separate categories. I had a problem understanding the appeals because there were so many of them and after going through each one of the subjects it has helped me learned to look for specifics which will prove the difference between them. The website also provides exercises to look at. I personally did not do any of them but looking at them I can see that they are helpful because you can use the website while you look at the exercises to get a more hands on effort.

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