Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 talks about cause and effect and it was actually somewhat confusing for me. One part in the book that I found helpful would be the criteria for cause and effect. There is a chart on page 307 that lists the necessary criteria for cause and effect. One important element that it tells us is that the cause makes a difference – if the cause had not happened, the effect would not have happened. An example of this could be….
Example. I got paid early this week on Thursday so I had money in my account otherwise I would have been broke. I wanted pizza, so I went to the bank to get money so I could afford the pizza.
I got paid early which allowed me to get pizza because if I got paid on Friday like I normally did then I would not have been able to get pizza on Thursday. This was one part I was unclear about but I think I understood correctly.

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